R/Shiny simulation tool for the World Bank

A R/Shiny interactive simulation tool for the World Bank

Worldbank shiny application

The project

We developed a simulation tool that allows users to estimate the impact of tax reform on Brazilian household income. The tool, called the Value Added Tax Simulator (SimVAT), is designed for policymakers and the public to learn more about the potential impacts of certain features of the landmark tax reform in Brazil.

Our role

We built the tool from start to finish -- from design to deployment. The application includes several custom components to allow users to, for example, simulate the impact of changing tax rates on entire categories of goods (such as food or home appliances).

Features of the work

  • We wrote the application using R/Shiny.
  • We employed Shiny modules to organize and namespace the code.
  • We used highcharter to create responsive charts.
  • We took advantage of the renv R package to manage dependencies.

Tools used







Made for
