R powered web applications with Shiny (a tutorial and cheat sheet with 40 example apps)

Shiny enables you to write powerful interactive web applications entirely in R. Using R you create a user interface and server and Shiny compiles your code into the HTML, CSS and JavaScript needed to display your application on the web. What makes a Shiny app particularly powerful is that it can execute R code on the backend so your app can perform any R calculation you can run on your desktop. Perhaps you want your app to slice and dice a dataset based on user inputs. Or maybe you want your web app to run linear models, GAMs or machine learning methods on user-selected data. In either case, Shiny can help.

Creating and running simple web applications is relatively easy and there are great resources for doing this. But when you want more control of the application functionality understanding the key concepts is challenging. To help you navigate the creation of satisfying Shiny applications we’ve assembled example code below that demonstrates some of the key concepts.

In order to run Shiny and follow the code on this post you should make sure you have RStudio software and the shiny R package. In creating this post I’m using version Additional details on package versions are at the end.

Shiny at its simplest

In its simplest form, a Shiny application requires a server function to do the calculations and a user interface. Below we have the simplest possible shiny app. We create an empty server, a UI with a basic message and then launch the app with the shinyApp function. Voila – a functioning web application created entirely in R!

For simplicity, we’re creating our Shiny apps in this blog post as single file apps. In the past, Shiny required that you create two separate files (server.R and ui.R) but as of version 0.10.2 Shiny supports single file applications with both server and UI code in the same file. With bigger apps, of course, you will likely have far more files and want to use ui.R and server.R but for the mini-apps in this post we will create single page apps.

A second difference with earlier versions of shiny is that the user interface required using a ui handler function (shinyUI) but this is no longer required. Instead you would choose the function associated with the type of page you want to use as discussed in the layout guide. In relatively big apps, I use fluidPage but for most of this blog post we keep things simple with basicPage.

Depending on what you want to do with your app, the session argument is not required in the server but since you need it for some tasks a best practice would be to include it.

Example app: The simplest possible app

Not much here, but this is a real Shiny app.


server <- function(input, output, session) { } #the server

ui <- basicPage("This is a real Shiny app") # the user interface

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) # this launches your app

Set up your user interface (UI)

Layout your user interface

Under the hood, Shiny uses Twitter Bootstrap, a commonly used framework for designing webpages, to scaffold and provide some minimal styling. When you run the function shinyApp() your R code is essentially compiled to web-friendly languages HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can take advantage of Shiny page template functions to layout your app or you can essentially design your app from scratch. There is also a brand new option discussed below to use what are called HTML templates but here we will focus on the most common (and simpler) approach.

Using predefined layout functions

As mentioned above, you will choose a layout function depending on the type of app you want. For this example, we will take advantage of a Shiny template using the function sidebarLayout which creates a page with a sidebar and a main panel. You can review other layout options in the RStudio layout guide. In this example we’re creating a sidebarPanel and mainPanel and not much else.

Note that in a fluid design your sidebar and other elements may “collapse” if your browser view is not wide enough.

Example app: Basic user interface

#### server
server <- function(input, output, session) {

#### user interface
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("App with simple layout"),
    ), #endsidebarpanel
      "This is the main panel"
    )#end mainpanel
  )# end sidebarlayout

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Adding elements with tags$xxx

It’s easy to add HTML elements to your Shiny app using HTML tags. There are more than 100 HTML elements you can add to your page using the syntax tags$OBJECT() as in tags$p() for a paragraph or tags$blockquote(). For a limited number of these tags, the most common ones, there are helper functions that allow you to skip the tags$ so, for example, a first tier header can be created with h1() – but be careful, not all tags permit this.

For more detail on generating HTML I recommend you watch this video by Joe Cheng or review the HTML tags page on the RStudio website.

Example app: using HTML tags to layout your app

In this app we add HTML tags using, for example, tags$blockquote or, for common elements like h1 we drop the tags$.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- basicPage(
  h1("Title without tags$"),
  tags$blockquote("But block quote requires tags$ because it is less common than h3, h1 or code"),
  h3("H3 is fine without tags and so is code here"),
  code("data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10)")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Layout your app using Bootstrap’s grid system manually

If you’re new to CSS creating your layout can be challenging and you would need to read the Bootstrap basics before getting started. When you’re comfortable, though, you can use Bootstrap’s grid system directly by specifying, rows and columns and column spans. As a general rule, all Bootstrap layouts are 12 columns across and these columns can be grouped to make wider columns.

In the example below, we have a layout with 2 rows. One is offset by one column and the other has a button (one column width) and text (6 column width).

Example app: Manual layout using Bootstrap’s grid system

In this app we use Bootstrap elements like rows and columns to manually layout the app.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- fluidPage(
    column(6, offset=1,
           h1("Title in one row")
      actionButton("button", "Click")
      p("Row 2, Column 2 (button is col 1)")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Style your user interface

Now that you have created your app layout following some of the approaches discussed above you are ready to style your app. There are several approaches to doing this from choosing existing themes (like adding a new, pre-defined skin) or styling yourself with CSS.

Use an existing “theme”

Bootstrap offers a number of pre-created themes that allow for a complete change of style with limited coding. The shinythemes package from RStudio allows you to take advantage of this capability. The only change you need to make to your app is to add a line of code theme=shinytheme("cosmo") to your fluidPage or fixedPage function and the entire look of you app will change (you cannot apply themes to the basicPage because basicPage is not based on Bootstrap).

In this particular example, you won’t see much difference because the app is so simple, but with bigger apps the changes are significant and you can see examples in the Rstudio documentation for shinythemes or in the free themes page.

Example app: Use a pre-existing Bootstrap theme

Note that because this blog post is not very wide and we’re using a fluid page, the main panel has collapsed below the sidebar.


server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- fluidPage(theme=shinytheme("cosmo"),
  titlePanel("Use an existing theme"),
      h3("Note the button is black. This is different from the previous app."),
      actionButton("button", "A button")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Style yourself with CSS

If you want to use your own CSS you have several options. For the sake of completeness, I will cover them all but the best practice would be to include all of your CSS in an external stylesheet (let’s say it’s called style.css). If you’re using a two page app (with a ui.R and server.R file) you can add a www folder at the same level as the UI and server files with your style sheet and this will be read automatically. Otherwise you can read your stylesheet with includeCSS. Here is your full list of options.

  1. Include your raw CSS directly inline in the head of your app
  2. Include CSS within specific HTML tags
  3. With a two page app (ui.R and server.R) you can add a folder called www and the app will automatically read any CSS files you’ve included there.
  4. The shinyjs package (discussed below) also has a useful function called inlineCSS that you can use to add CSS
  5. Use the includeCSS function to read an external CSS file

As I mention above, best practice for larger apps would be to include all your CSS in a single, external file so that it’s easy to find and change settings. For smaller apps including CSS in the head or HTML tags would be acceptable but be careful, if you include styling in the HTML tags it can be difficult to prioritize and organize your styles.

For more detail, see RStudio’s page on CSS.

Example app: using inline CSS in the HTML head

Note that the actual style code is within an HTML function – this prevents Shiny from treating the text as “regular” text and escaping the strings.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- basicPage(
  # this is your web page header information
    # here you include your inline styles

      body {
        background-color: cornflowerblue;
        color: #6B1413;

  h3("CSS using the HTML tag"),
  p("Some important text")


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: using includeCSS (assumes you have an external file called style.css)

In this case my style.css file only has one bit of CSS body{background-color: Maroon;}.

server <- function(input, output, session) {


ui <- basicPage(

  h2("CSS by reading an external page"),
  p("Some important text")


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: including a style in an individual HTML tag

Usually, this is not a great idea because it’s hard to find your styles and it’s even harder to be consistent with style. But for small apps it’s fine.

server <- function(input, output, session) {


ui <- basicPage(

  # here we style inline
  h2(style = "color:green; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'", 
     "Styles within an HTML tag (not recommended for big apps)"),
  p("Some important text")


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: An example of using the shinyjs inlineCSS function

The shinyjs package has a lot of nice add-on functionality and includes the inlineCSS function to make it a little easier to include CSS using a syntax that is more R-like. Note that instead of body{color:DarkBlue}, which is CSS, we have list(body = "color:DarkBlue") which is R code. This will make all the text blue.


server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- fluidPage(
  # This adds the CSS to the file
  shinyjs::inlineCSS(list(body = "color:DarkBlue")),
  titlePanel("Use the shinyjs package to add styles"),
      h3("Sidebar title")
        "Body text"

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Add widgets to your user interface (text boxes, sliders etc)

At this point we have scaffolded and added styles to our UI but have not added any elements that will allow our user interface to be interactive. Shiny has a wide array of input widgets (e.g., pull-down menus, checkboxes) that we can use to add this functionality. Take a look at the RStudio widget gallery for a complete list.

For this particular example, I’ll want a slider range and text input. Note that both of these, and all widgets, have a unique input id (inputId) – the text is mytext and the slider is myslider. Careful, this often causes trouble – the input ids must be unique.

We’re still only focusing here on the UI so these widgets “work” but don’t actually do anything because we have not included any code in the Shiny server. In this particular example, we are including both a slider and a text input.

Example app: Allow user input

Simple app with widgets, though the widgets are not connected to the server yet. You can enter text and play with the slider but nothing will happen.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("A couple of simple widgets that don't do anything yet"),
  # a slider
  sliderInput(inputId = "myslider", label = "Limit the ", min = 0, 
              max = 100, value = c(40, 60)),
  # a text input box
  textInput(inputId = "mytext", label = "Text input", value = "Enter text...")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Set up your server

Input from your user interface

Currently, our users can interact with our application all they want but our server is deaf and dumb. There is no code in the server to tell it to listen or react.

In order to listen, it needs to know what to listen to and this is where our unique input ids come in. Our widgets all have a unique ID that the server will listen for and react to. Each of these input ids is mapped to the input argument on our server. So, for example, if you want to access the value of the text box we created (which is called mytext) from within the server you would call input$mytext. Likewise, for the slider the values are in input$myslider. These objects from the UI (input$myslider, input$mytext) are called reactive values.

But… and this is one of the most challenging concepts in Shiny, you can’t simply refer to input$mytext in the server to get the current value of the text box. Instead you need to wrap these reactive values in one of the functions designed to handle interactive widget output. The functions that can handle the reactive values are observe, reactive and the suite of render* functions all of which are discussed below.

Listen for changes with observe or reactive, the Shiny hearing aids

The values associated with your UI inputs (like the text box, input$mytext) are called reactive values. It is tempting to include input$mytext directly in the server. Try running the code below in your own console and you will get an error operation not allowed without an active reactive context. This means that to read the reactive value you need to wrap it in a function designed to listen to the reactive elements. Note that if you run this code locally (and get the error) you’ll need to click on the “stop” button in the console to stop the app.

Example app: Careful, you can’t include bare reactive values in the server

This will throw an error because the reactive value is not being read by a function designed to handle it! Instead we need to wrap the values in an observe, reactive or render* function that is designed to handle reactive content. In a console, you will see the error. Here the app will fail to load.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # this will NOT work!!

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("A couple of simple widgets that don't do anything yet"),
  # a slider
  sliderInput(inputId = "myslider", label = "Limit the ", min = 0, 
              max = 100, value = c(40, 60)),
  # a text input box
  textInput(inputId = "mytext", label = "Text input", value = "Enter text...")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Before going any further let me introduce the update* functions

In the example code above (which doesn’t work) you’ll notice that I used a print statement in the server. This keeps things simple in the example apps but if you’re not running these mini-apps locally you won’t see what’s going on because print simply prints to the console and you can’t see the result in the online app. Since I want you to see reactions even if you’re not running the apps locally, I need to introduce one concept a little out of order.

In particular, I want to introduce you to the suite of update* functions that are designed to allow you to update existing Shiny widgets – for example, update a text box or the list of items in a pulldown menu. In the next few apps I will be using a function called updateTextInput instead of print – essentially I will use a text box as a console and will print results to the text box with updateTextInput. Here is an example:

Example app: Using updateTextInput as a “console” for this blog post

In the app below you can see that I’m “printing” the text typed into mytext to myresults with the function updateTextInput.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    txt <- paste("Value above is:", input$mytext)
    # here I'm essentially writing a result to the text box
    # called myresults
    updateTextInput(session, "myresults", value=txt)

ui <-   basicPage(
  h3("An example of an update* function"),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "Initial value")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Back to functions to read reactive values: featuring observe to generate side effects and no output

Observers will get triggered in response to reactive values. They were designed to listen to reactive elements and respond by causing side effects, like updates to text boxes or pull-downs. Unlike the reactive function, which we cover next, they should not be used to return data or values.

There are two flavors of observe. With observe the code inside will get triggered when any of the reactive values inside change. With observeEvent code will only be triggered by specified reactive values. I would suggest that you use observeEvent whenever possible because observeEvent forces you to think through and specify the reactions you want to see.

So, back to the example from above. Instead of including input$mytext alone in the server (which causes an error) we can put the input$mytext in an observer and use it to update myresults. Any time the user makes a change to mytext the observer code will run and myresults will be updated.

Example app: Use observe to react and cause side effects

We use the observe function to listen for changes to the reactive value associated with the input text box (input$mytext). When input$mytext changes the observer code runs and updates myresults.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # this will work, the reactive element is wrapped in an observer
  # it prints the value to the to the results text box
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = input$mytext) 

ui <-   basicPage(
  h3("The value in the text box gets printed to the results text box."),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "Initial value")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

observeEvent: use observeEvent to prevent unwanted reactions

As mentioned above, the code in an observe will run if any of the reactives inside change. So in the following code the results text box will update if the user interacts with the input text box or with the slider. Even though the slider reactive input$myslider is not actually being used in any way. Any reactive value in the observe function will trigger all the code in the observe function to run.

Example app: All the reactive values in observe will trigger the code to run (even if that’s not what you want)

Since input$myslider and input$mytext are in the observer if the user makes a change to either the observer code will run.

Note that in the next couple of apps I paste a random number to the text to make it easier to see updates.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    # even though the slider is not involved in a calculation, if
    # you change the slider it will run all this code and update the text box
    # changes to the mytext box also will trigger the code to run
    txt <- paste(input$mytext, sample(1:10000, 1))
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txt)  

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("The results text box gets updated if you change the other text box OR the slider."),
  sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=0, max=1000, value=500),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here", value = "Initial value"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

The observeEvent function is designed to address this issue. With observeEvent the code inside will only run if the specified reactive value(s) change. So in the following code the update will only execute if the user makes changes to the text box.

Example app: Only specified reactive(s) trigger the code to run using observeEvent.

Using observeEvent instead of observe allows you to specify the reactive values to listen for and react to. In this case, we’re only listening for one reactive (input$mytext) but you can include more than one.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Using observeEvent we're telling Shiny only to run this code
  # if mytext gets updated.
  observeEvent(input$mytext, {
    # myslider is a reactive but it does not trigger the code to 
    # run here because we're using observeEvent and only specified
    # input$mytext
    txt <- paste(input$mytext, sample(1:10000, 1))
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txt)  

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("The results text box only updates when you change the top text box (slider interactions do not trigger an update)."),
  sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=0, max=1000, value=500),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here", value = "Initial value"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Observer priority: which observers run first

With bigger apps, you may have situations where you want one observer to run before others. You can use an observe function priority argument to do this. The default priority is 0 and higher numbers mean higher priority (and you can use negative numbers).

Example app: No priority specified

The order of execution is not always predictable in Shiny apps. In this example we have two observers and they both write to the same output text box. This app uses default priorities and the second observer will run second and will, therefore, write over the updates from the first observer.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # With no priority specified the second observer will
  # run second and overwrite the first observer
    txtA <- paste("First observer", input$mytext)
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txtA)
    txtB <- paste("Second observer", input$mytext)
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txtB)

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("Second observer runs second so it overwrites the first observer"),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "Initial value")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: Prioritize to control order of execution

Instead of default priorities we will force the first observer to run second so that it writes over the updates from the second observer. In order to do this we have a higher priority for the second observer so that it runs first.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # first observer has lower priority so it runs second and will
  # overwrite the other observer
    txtA <- paste("First observer", input$mytext)
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txtA)
  }, priority = 1)
  # second observer has higher priority so it will run first and
  # then be overwritten
    txtB <- paste("Second observer", input$mytext)
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txtB)
  }, priority = 2)

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("Priority is higher for second observer so it runs first and then gets written over by the first observer"),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

reactive: use a reactive function to isolate code and generate output with no side effects

A reactive function is used in the same way you would use an R function except that it gets triggered by a reactive element. Because using reactive creates a function and returns results you generally save a reactive as an object and use it elsewhere in your server as you would use any R function. There is one major distinction from a function, however, the function can only be executed within a “reactive context” (so in another reactive, an observe or a render* function). The reactives are NOT supposed to generate side effects, they should essentially be self-contained.

So in the example, below I use reactive to create a self-contained function called myresults. Since I want to print the results to the console (a side effect), I run the reactive function from within an observer. Note that since it’s a function I’m using myresults() rather than just myresults.

Example app: Using reactive to generate output

In this app we use reactive to create a function that listens for the input$mytext reactive value. When it hears a change it generates a string as output.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # this is my reactive function -- I'm using it to
  # isolate reactions related to the text box
  mystring <- reactive({
    paste(input$mytext, " is what the user types")
    # The reactive will run each time the textbox changes and
    # print results to the console.
    txt <- mystring()
    updateTextInput(session, inputId = "myresults", value = txt) 

ui <- basicPage(
    h3("The reactive generates a string output which is added to the results text box"),
    textInput("mytext", "Input goes here"),
    textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "")


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

eventReactive: used to prevent unwanted reactions in a reactive function

Similar to the function observeEvent which allows you to specify which reactive values trigger a code run, eventReactive can do the same for reactive functions.

Example app: Using eventReactive to prevent unwanted reactions

Sometimes you only want your reactive function to listen for specific reactive values and this is when you use eventReactive or observeEvent. In this app we have a reactive function that responds to both reactive values and an eventReactive that only reacts to changes in input$mytext.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # since both mytext and myslider are in the reactive
  # they both trigger the code to run
  myresults <- reactive({
    paste(input$mytext, input$myslider)
  # eventReactive here tells Shiny only to trigger this code
  # when mytext changes
  myresults_lim <- eventReactive(input$mytext, {
    paste(input$mytext, input$myslider)
  observe(updateTextInput(session, "myresults", value = myresults()))
  observe(updateTextInput(session, "myresults_lim", value = myresults_lim()))


ui <- basicPage(
    h3("Using eventReactive to limit reactions."),
    sliderInput("myslider", "", min=0, max=1000, value=500),
    textInput("mytext", "Input goes here"),
    textInput("myresults", "Text box + slider (updates when either changes)", "Initial value"),
    textInput("myresults_lim", "Text box + slider (updates when text box changes)", "Initial value")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Understanding and controlling when reactive functions get triggered

In our examples above, we included a reactive value (input$mytext) in observe or reactive. Each time the user changes the text value the server updates the text box. No problem. These rules also apply to the family of render* functions which we discuss below.

But, and here is a mini test,:

  • What happens if you have no reactive value in an observe function?
  • What happens if your reactive value is in the observe function but is not involved in any calculations?

If there is no reactive value the code will run once and never again

If the observe (or reactive or render*) function has no reactive value inside it, it will run when you launch the app but never again. So in this server code the values 1-10 will print to the console once and then never again. That’s it.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    # will only run when the app loads, never again

If there is a reactive value the code will run on app load and then on each change

Conversely, if you include a reactive value in an observe (or reactive or render) function the code inside will be triggered on app load and then every time the reactive value changes even if that reactive value is not used in any calculations. So in the code below you can see that input$mytext is not actually part of the print statement – it’s not used in any calculations. Nevertheless, any time your user changes the text box this server will print 1 to 10 to the console. This is a very important concept – a reactive value in your observe or reactive functions will trigger that function to run if the user interacts with it even if the reactive element is not part of the calculations.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    # this will run on app load and then again every time "mytext" changes

Since reactive values trigger reactive functions you should keep reactive values separated whenever possible

As we discussed above, because any reactive value in a reactive function will trigger code to run you want to be careful to modularize your code as much as possible. In other words, keep calculations separated as much as possible. Reactive functions are a good way to do this. You can use reactive functions to isolate code and only run that code when necessary. Take, for example, the following app. I have included the reactive associated with both the slider and the text input in the same observer. As a result, even if the user only changes the slider, all the code in the observer will get run, even the pieces associated with the text box.

Example app: Reactive values are not kept separate (less good)

Both reactive values (input$mytext and input$myslider) are in the same observer meaning that all the code in that observer runs when either changes.

#### server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Notice that even if you only change the text box that the 
  # slider code also runs and gets changed. The reverse is also
  # true. You might want to isolate these pieces.
    txt <- paste(input$mytext, sample(1:100, 1))
    val <- paste(input$myslider,  sample(1:100, 1), sep="-")
    res <- paste0(txt, " | Slider ", val)
    updateTextInput(session, "myresults", value = res)

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("Change to text OR slider changes both parts of results text box"),
  sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=0, max=1000, value=500),
  textInput("mytext", "Input goes here", "Text"),
  textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "Initial value")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: Reactive values are kept separate (better)

I refactored the code above so that the slider and text reactive values are in separate reactive functions. This way if the text reactive changes only the relevant code gets run. Likewise for the slider.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Now if you change the slider only the slider result changes
  # and the text box result stays the same. This is because
  # we isolated the reactive values in their own reactive function
  txt <- reactive({paste(input$mytext, sample(1:100, 1))})
  val <- reactive({paste(input$myslider, sample(1:100, 1), sep="-")})
    res <- paste0(txt(), " | Slider ", val())
    updateTextInput(session, "myresults", value = res)

ui <- basicPage(
    h3("Changes to the text box and slider are separated so that a change to the text box will not affect the slider part of the results textbox"),
    sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=0, max=1000, value=500),
    textInput("mytext", "Input goes here", "Text"),
    textInput("myresults", "Results will be printed here", "Initial value")


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

isolate: An alternative to observeEvent or eventReactive

Above you saw that observeEvent and eventReactive can limit reactions to specified reactive values. An alternative to using those functions is to use isolate in observe, reactive or render*. Generally, I’d argue in favor of using observeEvent and eventReactive because isolate will be harder to find in your code, but there are times when isolate can be useful.

Example app: Use isolate to avoid triggering reactions

In this example we have two text boxes that update with the input text. One updates constantly and in the other we’ve used isolate to ensure it only gets triggered with a button click.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    updateTextInput(session, "text_output1", value = input$text_input)
  # instead of observe and isolate, you could instead use observeEvent
    updateTextInput(session, "text_output2", value = isolate(input$text_input))

ui <- basicPage(
    h3("The value in the text box gets printed to the results text box."),
    textInput("text_input", "Type here"),
    textInput("text_output1", "This box is constantly updating"),
    textInput("text_output2", "Updates only with action button click"),
    actionButton("updateButton", "Update list")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Deploy your app

Although Shiny apps end up as HTML files you can’t simply copy them to your server. They require a Shiny server, a server that can run your R commands.

Running locally

  • If you’re developing in RStudio, and have a multi-page app you can open either ui.R or server.R and click on Run App in the top right.

  • For a single or multi-page app you can use the function runApp where you specify the directory your app.R or ui.R/server.R files are housed in.

  • For a single page app you can use the function shinyApp where you specify the ui and the server as I’ve done in the examples above.

Running on shinyapps.io

This site is managed by RStudio and is free for small apps with limited visits and scales up in paid versions.

Running your own Shiny server

There is a free, open source version of the Shiny server that you can run on, for example, Amazon Web Services or your own server. This is designed for apps with a relatively low number of visitors.

Running Shiny Server Pro

RStudio also sells a yearly subscription to Shiny Server Pro that provides security, admin and other enhancements when compared to the open source version. You can view a comparison of the open source and pro version here.

Add-on packages


The shinyjs package, created by Dean Attali, allows you to use common JavaScript operations in your Shiny applications such as hiding an element, delaying code etc. The package provides more than a dozen useful functions that are described in a page on GitHub. His talk on the package at the 2016 Shiny Developers Conference is also worth watching and will be posted by RStudio in the near future.

In order to use the functionality you need to load the package and then activate it in the UI with the useShinyjs function.

Example app: shinyjs in action, try the toggle

This is just a tiny example of using the package to run JavaScript code.


server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$button, {

ui <- fluidPage(
    h3("A quick demonstration of shinyjs functionality"),
    actionButton("button", "Toggle slider"),
    sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=0, max=1000, value=500)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


The shinyURL package, created by Andrzej Oleś, allows you to save and restore the state of your shiny apps if you want to share not just the app, but a particular page in the app. See the GitHub page for more details. His talk on the package at the 2016 Shiny Developers Conference is also worth watching.


The shinyBS package, created by Eric Bailey, offers some nice additional Bootstrap-related components like modals, collapses and related. Unfortunately, it’s not clear that it’s being maintained (last commit in April 2015) and many of the components do not work with the most recent versions of Shiny. The functions can still be useful to help guide the creation of updated versions of the components. See, for example, this discussion where the modal function is altered to work with current Shiny. For now you might hold off on using this one.

Advanced topics

Create re-useable UI elements

What if you have an app that puts the same element in multiple tabs. Perhaps you have a variable select box that needs to be on 10 different tabs. You can create it once and then copy and paste it onto the other tabs but this presents several issues:

  1. What if you want to make changes – you’d need to make 10 changes.
  2. Shiny requires that your elements all have unique IDs so you’d need to come up with a naming scheme. Perhaps select1, select2 etc…
  3. Copy paste is a pain and prone to error!

As an alternative, you can create a function that outputs the UI elements you need and then, instead of repeating the code that creates those elements you can simply call the function. So in the example below, I create a function to generate a title, select box, radio buttons and a check box. Then I call that function three times – one each for the tabs.

(Note that in the newest versions of Shiny there is an alternative approach, modules, discussed below).

Example app: Create re-useable UI elements

The createSelectRadio function, a function that we create in this app, takes an id as input and then creates and outputs a list of components. The new ID for each component is the component name and then, as a suffix, the id provided when running the function.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # A function to create a block of UI elements this 
  # function can be re-used to create similar blocks
  # of ui elements in different places
  createSelectRadio <- function(id, title){
    selectID <- paste0("myselect", id)
    radioID <- paste0("myradio", id)
    checkID <- paste0("mycheck", id)
    res <- list(
      selectInput(inputId = selectID, label="", choices = sample(LETTERS, 3)),
      radioButtons(inputId = radioID, label="", choices = sample(letters,3)),
      checkboxInput(inputId = checkID, label="", value=TRUE)
  # here we create our blocks of UI elements by running the function
  output$forPlot    <- renderUI({createSelectRadio(1, "In plot tab")})
  output$forSummary <- renderUI({createSelectRadio(2, "In summary tab")})
  output$forTable   <- renderUI({createSelectRadio(3, "In table tab")})

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("All tabs have the same set of components created with a function."),
    tabPanel("Summary", uiOutput("forSummary")), 
    tabPanel("Plot",    uiOutput("forPlot")), 
    tabPanel("Table",    uiOutput("forTable"))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Interactive data tables (careful, there are two flavors)

Adding interactive tables to your Shiny app is easier than you think. The original version of the shiny package included a renderDataTable function but this is slowly being deprecated in favor of a new renderDataTable function from the package DT. For the purposes of simply showing a table, the two options are very similar but DT extends the styling and interaction capabilities. The DT package, created by Yihui Xie, has some pretty amazing functionality – take a look at the documentation.

Keep in mind that the original renderDataTable function and the version in the package DT have slightly different syntax which can be confusing when you’re looking for example code. I recommend you only use code where DT is explicitly loaded (after the shiny package) or you see the syntax DT::renderDataTable which specifies which version of the function to use.

Example app: Using the shiny package for an interactive table

This app uses the renderDataTable function from Shiny.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  dat <- reactive({
    mtcars[1:input$myslider, c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")]
  output$mytable <- shiny::renderDataTable(dat())

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("Interactive table using the now deprecated Shiny data table renderer"),
  sliderInput("myslider", "Number of rows to display", min=1, max = 32, value = 5),

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: Using the DT package for an interactive table

This app uses the renderDataTable function from DT.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  dat <- reactive({
    mtcars[1:input$myslider,c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")]
  # I'm setting paging = FALSE so all rows are shown all the time
  # scrollX adds a scrollbar, filter allows column filtering
  output$mytable <- DT::renderDataTable(dat(), 
                                        options = list(paging=FALSE, scrollX = TRUE), 
                                        filter = "top")

ui <- basicPage(
    h3("Interactive table using the DT data table renderer"),
    sliderInput("myslider", "Number of rows to display", min=1, max = 32, value = 5),


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Interactive plots and maps

HTML widgets allow you to use JavaScript visualization libraries to create interactive graphics in R, including Shiny web applications. For details on HTML widgets generally you can visit the htmlwidgets site. Below I show three examples, two examples of interactive plots (plot.ly and highcharts) and an interactive map with leaflet but there are many other widgets available.

Example app: Use plot.ly to make a ggplot interactive

Details on using plot.ly can be found at this site. In this example, I’m using plot.ly to make a ggplot interactive.


server <- function(input, output, session) {
  dat <- reactive(cars[1:input$myslider,])
  output$myplot <- renderPlotly({
    p <- ggplot(dat(), aes(speed, dist)) + geom_point(color="purple")
    p <- ggplotly(p)

ui <- basicPage(
  h3("Example of plot.ly, the plot is interactive"),
  sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=1, max=50, value=10),

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: Use highcharts to make an interactive plot

Details on using highcharts can be found at this site. In this example, we create a scatter plot from scratch.

library(magrittr) # for the pipe %>%

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  dat <- reactive(cars[1:input$myslider,])
  output$myplot <- renderHighchart({
    highchart() %>% 
      hc_title(text = "Scatter chart") %>% 
      hc_add_series_scatter(dat()$speed, dat()$dist)
    # here is the code if you don't want to use the %>% pipe
    # hc_add_series_scatter(hc_title(highchart(), 
    # text = "Scatter chart"), dat()$speed, dat()$dist)

ui <-  basicPage(
  h3("Example of highcharter, the plot is interactive"),
  sliderInput("myslider", "A slider:", min=1, max=50, value=10),

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: Use leaflet for an interactive map

In this app the slider is linked to a map. Details on using leaflet in R can be found at this site.

#### server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # create random points in the US
  dat <- reactive({
    long <- runif(input$myslider,-121, -77 )
    lat <- runif(input$myslider,33, 48)
    vals <- rpois(input$myslider, 5)
    data.frame(latitude = lat, longitude = long, vals)
  output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLite") %>%  
      addCircleMarkers(data = dat(), radius = ~vals ) %>% 
      setView(-98, 38.6, zoom=3)

#### user interface
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Example of leaflet interactive map"),
      h3("Slider changes number of map points"),
      sliderInput(inputId = "myslider", label = "Limit the ", min = 0, 
                  max = 50, value = c(10))
    ), #endsidebarpanel
        tabPanel("Map", leafletOutput("mymap"))
    )#end mainpanel
  )# end sidebarlayout

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Shiny modules

At the Shiny Developers Conference Garrett Grolemund, from RStudio, gave a great presentation on Shiny modules. They are designed, in part, to help solve the issue of re-useability discussed above in the on creating re-useable UI elements. You may have, as an example, a block of UI widgets you want to repeat on multiple pages. Rather than copy and paste code, you can use modules to help manage the pieces. For more detail on Shiny modules check out this write-up by Joe Cheng.

To use a module, in addition to creating the UI and server as we’ve done above, you would also create a module UI and module server. Here are the four pieces you would need for an application that uses one module

Module UI

This is a function that takes, as input, an id that will end up getting pre-pended to all your HTML element ids. You can actually manually paste together your prefix and the IDs but there is a helper function to make it a little easier called NS. Essentially NS just creates a new function you can use to do the pasting a little more simply.

scatterUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)


Module Server

The module server will include the processing needed for your module and looks almost identical to your non-module server function except that you will likely want to allow it to accept additional arguments. So below we have a scatter function that will render the plot and, beyond the usual input, output and session arguments it will accept a color argument.

scatter <- function(input, output, session, my_color) {

  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes_string(wt, mpg)) + geom_point(color=my_color, size=2)

App UI

In your app UI you can include any UI elements that are not included in the module and you would include your module. Since your module UI is a function you would call this function and feed it a prefix, anything you want.

ui <- fluidPage(
  h3("This is not part of the module but the pieces below were created with a module"),

App Server

Similar to the app UI you would include any non-module related processing in your app server and then you include the module server with the function callModule. You feed callModule the name of the module server function and the prefix you’re using and any additional arguments to your module server.

server <- function(input, output,session){

  callModule(scatter, "prefix", "purple")

Example app: simple module example

This example demonstrates the code needed to use a module, but is not a very practical example because the purpose of using modules would be to re-use code. See the next example for a more realistic example.

# module UI
scatterUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

# module server
scatter <- function(input, output, session, my_color) {
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point(color=my_color, size=2)

# app ui
ui <- fluidPage(
  h3("This is not part of the module but the plot below was created with a module"),

# app server
server <- function(input, output,session){
  callModule(scatter, "prefix", "purple")

shinyApp(ui, server)

Example app: more practical module example

This app is a little harder to follow but a better example of how modules can be useful. In this app the module creates a slider and two plots. As input, the module function takes the name of the data.frame as well as several plot-related variables. This way you can create side-by-side plots with a slider using multiple datasets with slight alterations to the app server.


scatterUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    div(sliderInput(ns("slider1"), label = "Limit points", min = 0, max = 32, value = 15)),
    div(style="display: inline-block; height:220px;", plotOutput(ns("plot1"))),
    div(style="display: inline-block; height:220px;", plotOutput(ns("plot2")))

# MODULE Server
scatter <- function(input, output, session, datname, var1, var2, ptshape, col1, col2) {
  dat <- eval(as.name(datname))
  dat <- dat[order(dat[[var1]]),]
  resultdata <- reactive({
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(resultdata(), aes_string(var1, var2)) + geom_point(color=col1, shape=ptshape, size=3)+
      ggtitle(paste("Using the", datname, "data.frame"))
  }, width=200, height=200)
  output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(resultdata(), aes_string(var1, var2)) + geom_point(color=col2, shape=ptshape, size=3) +
      ggtitle(paste("Using the", datname, "data.frame"))
  }, width=200, height=200)

# App ui
ui <- fluidPage(
  h3("The module creates two plots and a slider and is called twice below"),

# App server
server <- function(input, output,session){
  callModule(scatter, "prefix", "cars", "speed", "dist",  1, "red", "blue")
  callModule(scatter, "prefix2", "mtcars", "mpg", "hp", 17, "forestgreen", "purple")

shinyApp(ui, server)

HTML templates

Some developers feel more comfortable writing HTML code directly rather than writing in R and having Shiny compile code to HTML. To meet this need, RStudio introduced the concept of HTML templates that allow you to write the HTML and include placeholders for Shiny input using curly braces. If you’re comfortable with web development, the concept will be familiar (e.g. mustache, handlebars).

RStudio’s Winston Chang has written a nice article with significant details so I’ll cover it only briefly here.

You need the following items in a Shiny app using HTML templates:

You need an HTML page with references to Shiny components

In addition to your ui.R and server.R (or app.R) you would create an HTML page with the structure you want. Shiny-related components are then included in curly braces. A few key points to keep in mind:

  1. You must include Shiny-related references in the header: Shiny apps reference Shiny-related JavaScript libraries and include other required information in the head of a Shiny app’s HTML page so you need to include these references in your template. You could manually copy and paste them from another Shiny app, but it’s much easier to use the headContent() function within curly braces.

  2. You can also reference bootstrap in the header with a Shiny function: Including Bootstrap for styling is so common that Shiny includes a function to do it for you called bootstrapLib. Again you would use this in curly braces in your header.

  3. Other shiny components can be included either directly in the HTML template or via references to the Shiny UI.

Here is what our sample app HTML file looks like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- this file is called template.html -->
    <!--This code is necessary to include important shiny-related references -->
    <!--To use bootstrap for styling this will add the references -->

    <div class="container">
        <!-- I'm using HTML directly -->
        <div class="jumbotron" style="text-align: center;">
            <h2 class="display-3">HTML templates with Shiny</h2>
            <p class="lead">Details on creating Shiny apps with HTML templates. And a random photo</p>
            <img src="http://lorempixel.com/200/100" />

        <h2>Block of controls from the Shiny UI</h2> 
        <!-- shinycontrols is an object from the ui -->

        <h2>Slider and radio buttons</h2>
        <!-- justslider is an object from the ui -->
        {{radioButtons("my_radio", "Radio buttons from the HTML template", c("A", "B", "C"), "C")}}

        <h2>You can do calculations with R directly</h2>
        The average of a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10 is {{mean(1:10)}}!

You need a UI that reads the HTML template

Your server and UI will be very similar to an all-R app except that your UI needs to read the HTML template, and feed the template whatever Shiny components you’ll want on the page. This is done with the htmlTemplate function.

So in the current example, I am reading the template.html file in the same directory as app.R and I am also using the htmlTemplate function to feed two objects, shinycontrols which is a block of Shiny controls, and justslider which is a simple slider to the template.html.

# here are some elements I want to include as a block
block_of_stuff <- list(
  selectInput("my_select", "Select something please", c("A", "B", "C"), selected="B"),
  textInput("my_text", "A text box", value = "initial value")

# user interface
ui <- fluidPage(
               shinycontrols =  block_of_stuff,
               justslider = sliderInput("my_slider", "A slider from the Shiny UI", 0, 10, 5)

Example app: An app using HTML templates

This app reads my file, template.html and then feeds it a block of controls called shinycontrols and a slider called justslider.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

# here are some elements I want to include as a block
block_of_stuff <- list(
  selectInput("my_select", "Select something please", c("A", "B", "C"), selected="B"),
  textInput("my_text", "A text box", value = "initial value")

# user interface
ui <- htmlTemplate("template.html",
                   shinycontrols =  block_of_stuff,
                   justslider = sliderInput("my_slider", "A slider from the Shiny UI", 0, 10, 5)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Brush, click and hover on plots (and an example of using global variables)

In mid-2015 RStudio added plot interactivity to Shiny’s arsenal – this is a little different, though, than the HTML widgets mentioned above. This interactivity allows users to interact with “regular” base plots and ggplot2 plots. Specifically, these functions allow your users to click, hover or brush a base or ggplot to get more information on the elements clicked etc. Adding this type of functionality can be done simply by adding an argument to the plotOutput function and using that output in your server.

Example app: Brush and click on a ggplot

As an example of interactive plots, consider this reasonably simple app. You’ll notice that in the plotOutput function I added two arguments, one for click and one for brush. And then in the reactive I use both of these. The actual resulting input variables (input$user_brush and input$user_click) provide details like the x and y coordinates clicked. To use this information to filter your table you can use the corresponding brushedPoints and nearPoints functions.

A note about this particular example: remember that any reactives in your reactive function will trigger the code to run. As a result, if the user either brushes or clicks the dat reactive will run. But… it won’t know which reactive variable triggered the code to run. To get around this, I’ve created a global variable called interaction_type that stores the current type of interaction (i.e., brush or click). There are two observeEvent functions that will listen and update as needed. Pay special attention to the double assignment operator (<<-), this is needed to change the global variable.


server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # global variable, what type of plot interaction
  interaction_type <- "click"
  # observe for user interaction and change the global interaction_type
  # variable
  observeEvent(input$user_click, interaction_type <<- "click")
  observeEvent(input$user_brush, interaction_type <<- "brush")
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point()
  # generate the data to put in the table
  dat <- reactive({
    user_brush <- input$user_brush
    user_click <- input$user_click
    if(interaction_type == "brush") res <- brushedPoints(mtcars, user_brush)
    if(interaction_type == "click") res <- nearPoints(mtcars, user_click, threshold = 10, maxpoints = 1)
  output$table <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(dat()[,c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")]))

ui <- fluidPage(
  h3("Click or brush the plot and it will filter the table"),
  plotOutput("plot", click = "user_click", brush = "user_brush"),

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example app: Brush with map and plot

This app is a slightly more complex version of the brush functionality. In this example, the user selections update in both a plot and on a leaflet map. The approach is very similar, though, to the previous app. We include a brush argument in the plotOutput and we use a brush to select points with the brushedPoints function.

This app example was inspired by an app from Kyle Walker that displays the demographics of Texas Counties. He generously posted the code used to create it.


#### server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
    long <- runif(input$myslider, -121, -77 )
    lat <- runif(input$myslider, 33, 48)
    val1 <- runif(input$myslider, 1, 50)
    val2 <- rnorm(input$myslider, 1, 50)
    data.frame(latitude = lat, longitude = long, val1, val2)
  br <- reactive({
    brushedPoints(dat(), input$plot_brush)
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(dat(), aes(val1, val2, color=val2)) + geom_point() +
      ggtitle("Select points by brushing graph")

  output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({

   # if nothing has been selected use the data itself, otherwise
   # use a brushed version
   ifelse(is.null(input$plot_brush), dat <- dat(), dat <- br() )

    leaflet(data = dat) %>%
                       options = providerTileOptions(noWrap = TRUE)) %>%
      addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude) %>%
      setView(-98, 38.6, zoom=3)

  output$table_brushedpoints <- renderTable({
    br()[,c("val1", "val2")]

#### user interface
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Example of leaflet interactive map using brushing"),
      h3("Slider changes number of points"),
      sliderInput(inputId = "myslider", "Number of points:",
                  min = 5, max = 20, value = 10, step = 1),
      plotOutput("plot", height = 250,
                 brush = brushOpts(id = "plot_brush", resetOnNew = TRUE,
                                   fill = "red", stroke = "#036", opacity = 0.3)),
      h4("Brushed points appear here"),
    ), #endsidebarpanel
        tabPanel("Map", leafletOutput("mymap"))
    )#end mainpanel
  )# end sidebarlayout

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Including custom JavaScript in your app

Occasionally you may want to include some JavaScript that you’ve written in your Shiny app. Similar to the discussion of CSS above you can include the JS by referencing an external file or you can include JS inline in the header.

  1. tags$head(includeScript("google-analytics.js"))
  2. tags$head(HTML("<script type='text/javascript'></script>"))

Example app: inline JavaScript code

Here we add inline JavaScript (jQuery) to fade out, then in the title and finally make it green.

server <- function(input, output, session) {

ui <- basicPage(
    h1(id = "thetitle", "Inline JavaScript to change the title style"),
    actionButton("thebutton", "Click to change title color and transparency"),
    # here we're including inline JavaScript code (jQuery)
    tags$footer(HTML("<script type='text/javascript'>
                      $( document ).ready(function() {
                      var $thetitle = $('#thetitle');
                      var $thebutton  = $('#thebutton');
                      $thetitle.css('color', 'green');


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Shiny dashboards

With an R backend for processing and strong plotting capabilities Shiny is well-suited to creating dashboards. Dashboards can be created manually using the techniques discussed above, but creating them is simpler with the Rstudio package shinydashboard. In order to create a dashboard you need a header, sidebar and body. Within the body you create a series tabItems and fill them with the controls you want to see included. For more detail you should refer directly to the shiny dashboard page on GitHub.

Example app: A simple dashboard

This code was stolen, in a large part, from the shiny dashboard get started page.


ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
      menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
      menuItem("Widgets", tabName = "widgets", icon = icon("th"))
      # First tab content
      tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",
          box(plotOutput("plot1", height = 250)),
          box(plotOutput("plot2", height = 250)),

            title = "Controls",
            sliderInput("myslider", "Number of observations:", 1, 50, 15)

      # Second tab content
      tabItem(tabName = "widgets",
        h2("Widgets tab content")

server <- function(input, output) {
  histdata <- rnorm(500)

  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    dat <- mtcars[1:input$myslider,]
    ggplot(dat, aes(mpg)) + geom_histogram(fill="cadetblue")
   output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
    dat <- mtcars[1:input$myslider,]
    ggplot(dat, aes(mpg, wt)) + geom_point() + stat_smooth()

shinyApp(ui, server)

More on reactive programming

Joe Cheng, the primary creator of Shiny, gave a great talk on reactive programming at the Shiny Developers Conference in January 2016. The videos are now online and I highly recommend you watch both part 1 and part 2.

Notes on the creation of this post

The output of sessionInfo() is below in case you run into trouble related to versions of Shiny or other packages discussed. RStudio is generously hosting the 40 mini-apps in the post and they are shown here using iFrames. Browsers limit the number of connections (iFrames) on one page so I could not load all 40 apps at once. I’ve done my best to speed things up by pre-loading apps when users click on certain links but in some case you need to wait for an app load or reload an app and I apologize if this is slow.

## R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] htmlwidgets_0.6    leaflet_1.0.1.9002 DT_0.1.55         
## [4] shiny_0.13.1.9002 
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.4     digest_0.6.9    mime_0.4        R6_2.1.2       
##  [5] xtable_1.8-0    formatR_1.2.1   magrittr_1.5    evaluate_0.8   
##  [9] stringi_1.0-1   rmarkdown_0.9.5 tools_3.2.3     stringr_1.0.0  
## [13] httpuv_1.3.3    yaml_2.1.13     htmltools_0.3.5 knitr_1.12.3

38 responses

  1. Hi Zev,

    Great website!

    I’m new to Shiny and was wondering how long it would take to learn how to use Shiny if one has only 6 months of general programming experience?

    Best wishes,

    • Shiny can be tricky but it depends on your motivation and your goal. With some previous R background you can learn to make simple Shiny apps in a few hours. Ultimately it depends on what you want to accomplish.

  2. Hi — thanks for all the hard work on this article! I am in the same boat as the previous poster. Have some familiarity with R but no exposure to Shiny. Can Shiny import CSV file with data and do analysis as can be done with R in desktop environment. That is my main interest. If you could direct me to the right place to study this (importing csv file) I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

  3. Can we create multiple webpages/workflows using Shiny? If so, how? I only want to run it locally in my machine at the beginning.

    • It depends what you mean. One app will be one “webpage” essentially, but you can have tabs or other pages attached. See, for example, the app I created with the World Health Organization: https://whoequity.shinyapps.io/HEAT/ which has several pages under “about” and then different tabs and pages associated with the navbar. I’m not sure what you mean by workflows.

  4. Hello,

    Great website.

    So I have made a few apps in the past and they were all working fine and deployed no problem to the server. However, I recently updated my RStudio to 0.99.902 and now my apps won’t run due to the following error:

    “(TypeError) : undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘c.b’)”

    Any ideas?

    • Not without seeing code, why don’t you put a reproducible chunk of code on stackoverflow and send me the link.

  5. Hi Zev,

    Great website. I’m new to Rstudio. I’m using 3.2.3 version. I have installed Shiny package. While running the app I’m getting a message saying UPDATED VERSION OF SHINY PACKAGES REQUIRED and if I click on yes, installing shiny and I’m not getting any output.

    Where I’m doing wrong?

    Let me know if you need any more information.

    Your inputs are much appreciated.

    Thank you
    Satheesh K

  6. Hi Zev,

    I guess it can be useless to say how great is the work you did on this tutorial. I have been reading so many about shiny, and that was the first time that some light was truly cast on my brain.

    In my ludic way of understanding the reactive programming, I had help from another excellent tutorial made by Andre Skatz. (https://gist.github.com/staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754)

    I saw listeners as observers and translators. These translators work on the signal emitted by the reactive values. The signal after being translated is put in the “post office” which are the output objects in the server. Then, the message arrives in the UI part to be transformed into something visible to the user.

    User input – > Signal -> listeners/translator ( They try to answer: when and what is the nature of this signal) -> output storage -> delivering to another listener (render*) – > output storage -> delivering to UI part to be read by *Output and becomes a visible result.

    Thanks a lot for this material, Zev.


    Francy Lisboa

  7. Thanks for sharing this post – the isolate() function code/app 22 was the exact chunk of code I was looking to make the “action” button on my Shiny app work correctly.

  8. Hi ,

    I’m building one dashboard . The same page needs four plots plotted after pressing action button one by one, but plotting one graph it removes other graph.How to plot four plots one by one after clicking button and all plots should be one same page.

  9. Hi and thanks for your post.

    I have a problem to see a contingency table whith shiny.
    When I use renderTable, I get a list with tree columns but not a cross table.
    When I use renderDataTable, I get a cross table but the names of the rows are missing.
    I try as.data.frame.matrix (view online) but the names of the rows are always missing.

    Do you have a solution ?

  10. Great Tutorial.

    I attended a tutorial by Zev at ODSC Boston 2016, and highly recommend him as a teacher.

    – Aaron

  11. I am an experienced R/shiny programmer and still found this really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to be so thorough. I do have a request – please include the App number in the TOC links at the top to make it easier to navigate. For example I just told a colleague to check out App 37 as an example of best practices.

  12. HI!
    I am trying to build AHP using R and Shiny.I am stuck with multiple dependent slider wich i wanted to do criteria comparison purpose and wanna store the value in matrix format. which is basically two slider where if i increase one slider the other one should be decreased simultaneously.
    Please help me if you can.

  13. Lots of great information, but some screenshots might help. I still like the idea of just setting up a websocket server and communicating with it through jQuery/Vue instead of the overheard from Shiny, but I love that it exists for quick demos.

    • Agreed, there are many situations where Shiny is unnecessary and using standard web tools (JS, HTML, CSS) is appropriate.

  14. I wanted to display the data from a data-frame with editable option and once I edit the values, I should able to save the updated values in a data-frame. How do I do that? Here is my code to make a editable renderTable. Now how do I save the values after modified?

    ui = basicPage(
    server = function(input, output, session) {

    My_table = matrix(

    output$My_table <- renderTable({
    input1 <- paste0("”)
    input2 <- paste0("”)
    cbind(input1, My_table[,c(2,3,4)], input2)
    }, sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)


  15. This is the best introductory tutorial on Shiny that I’ve found so far. I’m a relatively longtime R user, but just in the process of learning Shiny. I’m particularly interested at the moment in working with interactive data tables in which the user would be able not only to change the number of rows or columns to display, but edit data within the table. Ultimately, he or she might load some data from a .csv file into a data frame, change some of the values, then save the new data frame. I welcome any suggestions you might have about learning how to do this.

    Thanks for this nicely designed and comprehensive tutorial.

  16. Big help for new learners like me.

    If I have xgboost model and save the file as xgboost.model file, can I import/call it in my shiny app?

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