Recreate the GAM partial regression smooth plots from R package mgcv (with a little style)

We use the R library mgcv for modeling environmental data with generalized additive models (GAMs). It's a great library loaded with functionality but we often find that the default diagnostic plots are uninspiring. The partial residual plots, in particular, are functional but not pretty and the residuals are almost invisible. This post would be much […]

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It is incredibly easy to create a Leaflet map using QGIS

The qgis2leaf plugin for QGIS makes it incredibly easy to create a basic, fully-functional Leaflet.js map using QGIS with no HTML/JavaScript/CSS programming. The plugin even allows you to use a variety of interesting basemaps including Stamen Watercolor (see our post on the watercolor map). To create a Leaflet map using the plugin follow these simple […]

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